Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jack Frost Be Nippin'...

As Christmas approaches, I am inundated with images of what should be in our holly jolly, sliding that card action, red bow placin', Ugg Boot wearin', scarf chokin', Holiday. As a financially struggling American, I am once again subject to the haves and have nots. As a newer parent, it is breaking my heart.
Every year, I gaze out my back door across the street and stare at that house. That house with the perfectly placed dripping icicle lights. I watch as they leave the front curtain open as they entertain. I see the warm candle light and the people in sweaters sitting at the bar between the kitchen and parlor. I watch as people arrive with big shining boxes and watch them as they leave giggling from Christmas cheer. They are a perfect American family to my eyes. They even have the Golden Retriever who, no kidding, gets the paper for them.
I dream of that kind of existence where I have a giant tree piled with gifts for everyone I love.
Well, that's not the case here. There is no tree. (Why spend money on a tree when I could buy my kids gifts?) There is no entertaining. (When do we find the time and money to entertain.?) And there aren't piles of gifts anywhere. (How will I afford them?).
All I want is for my kids to wake up to toys and gadgets...to the smell of yummy things baking...to red bows and shining gifts...But that's not how it is...
They will wake up to one or two gifts...not under a tree but placed where they can find them. They will wake up to the smell of coffee and some oatmeal. Maybe we will have a simple Christmas dinner or maybe we will join family. I am not sure year to year.
What I do know is they will wake up loved. They will laugh and play. They will appreciate what they have because they will always know there may be someone else watching us from their backyard...hearing us laugh...seeing us hug and kiss...and wondering why we don't have lights, and trees, and parties,....and big shining boxes...yet can still be happy.