Friday, April 30, 2010

My First Blog...What To Say What To Say...

Hi, my name is Mo. This is my first blog so be gentle with me :)
I am a wife, a mother, and an eccentric...As such, I have come to a place in my life where I am wondering where I fit in my life as ME...hence my need to blog!
I will be honest, I have NO IDEA how to start! The whole blogging thing is kind of a trip...on one hand, as a writer, I think it is a fabulous means of journaling...On the other hand, I wonder why the hell anyone really cares what I think or do daily! Am I so self inflated that I think my thoughts should be read by all? Well...yeah...I guess so lol...I mean, I am articulate, witty, smart, and confident...Am I?...Ummm...what do you think??...Oh, God, what if I'm not all of those things?! What if my mama lied when she told me how special I would always be?! What if my ex husband is right and I'm just a dramatic psycho?! What if you all hate me?!...Haha! Simmer the hell down now...I am not gonna use you as my therapist...well, not all the time anyway...and I can be kind of fabulous at times...and I'm fun! Fun, fun, fun!!!! So, time I come back, I will have something pretty freakin' profound to Mama needs to get to bed.